To be honest, I think it is pretty sweet. It forces people to be spontaneous and break free from their over planned lives. And the pictures are ridiculous...
Check this website out... The BIG Picture
But to focus on what has been going on for me the past few weeks, I will have to back up a bit...
Friday, April 16th.
Well I had decided to not go to Munich with our program this weekend. Having just returned from a tiring spring break, I was physically and emotionally drained, I just needed a weekend home. It turned out to be a great weekend spent with friends and some time to myself to just relax.
I met up with Irenka at Starbucks before we both headed out to Youth Praha. It is the youth group of our church, International Church of Prague. It was pretty for out of the city center, but absolutely beautiful. We just wanted to check it out and see the ministry that was going on for the high schoolers.
After that was over we stopped at my place to pick up my things (I had decided to sleep over her place) and then went grocery shopping, we were going to cook! We made some delicious homemade pizza together and shared our testimonies with each other.
I have never shared my testimony on such short notice before, usually I have time to pray and think about it and get nervous =) But it was great to just be open with each other and get to know one another a lot better!
Once the pizza was done we made yummy muffins for a brunch we were going to the next morning! And then I got Irenka addicted to Gossip Girl. I'll be honest it is my guilty pleasure =)
Saturday, April 17th.
We woke up early to head out to a YoungLife brunch that Irenka had helped put on. There was every possible type of breakfast food, everything was delicious!
I got to meet a bunch of the students and leaders, everyone was so wonderful. We played a great game of "Brunch" bingo, and I attempted to use my little knowledge of Czech to help me... a very sorry attempt.
I fell in love with one of the leader's babies =)
Some of the leaders and students.
Love these girls =) Irenka, Rachel and I.
The rest of Saturday was full of things I can't remember. I went to church Sunday morning and worked on some homework in the afternoon, until Barbara and Marco returned from Vienna.
Monday, April 19th.
Barbara and Marco set out in the morning to explore the city after I showed Barbara all the ins and outs of the city, concerning getting around. Jake, Devon and I met up with them that evening and they took us out for a lovely dinner! It was so great to see them, even if it was for just a little bit.
Jake, Devon and I at dinner.
Their plan was to leave Tuesday evening, but because of the volcano they ended up hurrying to catch a train Tuesday morning, since their flight was canceled. I believe they made it back to France 24 hours later, I'm just glad they made it back safe and sound!
Tuesday, April 20th- Wednesday, April 21st.
SCHOOL. Unfortunately, I had to go back to class. But I did succeed in convincing Becca to skip class with me Wednesday night=) I'm successfully corrupting her!
Thursday, April 22nd.
I had class in the morning =( We had our last discussion group over the Miller's tonight. It was Becca's birthday, so I surprised her with my favorite flower, gerber daises! (I didn't know her favorite) After a great talk about the subject of joy, we all celebrated with a homemade cake from Mrs. Miller and Irenka! I'm sad that these Thursday nights are over, the Millers have been such a huge blessing to me!
Friday, April 23rd.
I can't even remember what I did in the morning, but that goes to show that it was probably nothing of any importance.
Friday night was legit though. Probably one of my favorite events I've been to in Prague yet. It was called the Sperm Festival, held at the Meet Factory, an old abandoned warehouse outside of the city.
I went with Katie, a friend from one of my art classes. We had a great time. There were just all sorts of experimental art forms going on. My favorite was the "Hands of Orlac." An old silent movie, that two guys then performed the entire soundtrack live. It is hard to explain, but it was incredible to just watch them go from sound board, to piano, over to a violin or clarinet, all perfectly planned and executed.
We ran into my art professor too, AWKWARD. The famous David Cerny was there as well!!!
This was also playing, so gooooood.
Saturday, April 24th.
We got back pretty late Friday night, so I slept in pretty late on Saturday. I awoke to a pleasant surprise of Kirby and Christine passed out on our kitchen floor =) Someone else had a late night too...
Kirby and I met up later that night to go see Remember Me in theaters. We were expecting a sappy chic flick, but NOPE it was sooo depressing and we were both balling by the end. Go us.
To be honest, we should never be together, we are a horrible combination. We spend way too much money. Eat way too much food. Spill Peanut M&M's all the way down the flat escalator, run away from our mess in the mall and go to McDonald's at like 2 in the morning =) Needless to say, it was such a fun night. We ended up sitting up on the National Museum entrance for about 3 hours just talking about life, love, struggles and just us...
Escalators are fun.
Monday, April 26th.
Kirby and I spent the ENTIRE day at our new favorite place in Prague, Friends Coffee House. It just opened about a month ago and is absolutely perfect! It is so welcoming, has a great atmosphere and wonderful coffee.
We began working on homework around 11am and didn't stop until 8:30pm! Other than a break for a late lunch of kebabs, we were camped out =)
We came back to my apartment, where I made a delicious dinner for both of us!