I slept in... really late =) Not getting much sleep for an entire weekend catches up to you! I went to church with Devon and Becca later in the afternoon and then we met everyone over at Becca and Kirby's apartment for our first family dinner!
I'm talking the WHOLE family: Kirby, Becca, Christine, Jake, Devon, Donnie and myself, it was quite the gathering. Becca, Kirby and I cooked for them a delicious taco salad kind of dish... We cooked up some seasoned ground beef, cut up lots of lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, cheese and then made this awesome fresco salsa; served with some wine and dinner was served =)
The cooks =)
Monday thru Thursday brought along the normal line of grocery shopping, laundry and classes. Nothing too exciting, except for our Prague Art & Architecture where we went to the Monastery of St. Agnes to look at the religious artwork and gothic architecture.
Monastery of St. Agnes.

After classes finished up on Thursday I got a few things done at home before heading out with Christine to the Miller's house for a pizza party. I met Lisa and Bill (a professor at AAU) at church and every semester they have a huge pizza party for all of Bill's students and other Americans they have met. It was a great night! We met tons of other students for AAU and NYU (the Prague campus) and ate way too much pizza. In 3 hours, Bill made 21 home-made, absolutely delicious, custom-topped pizzas! Along with carrots and ranch dip and cookies and brownies, all of us American's gladly welcomed the "American-comfort" food =)
Friday I worked on some spring break plans and homework, did a little shopping with Christine and then met up with Irenka and Petra for the night. Irenka is originally from a city outside of Prague, but has been studying here for 2 years; I first met her at church and she is great! Petra is her good friend that was visiting for the weekend. The three of us went and saw Shutter Island!! It was really good, but super confusing...
In 2000, Czech artist David Cerny added these creepy steel babies crawling up the side. They kind of scare me and I really don't like them.
Right near the base of the Zizkov Tower is an extremely old Jewish cemetery. The graves were so close together...
Saturday night I headed out into the boonies to Prague 8. There are a bunch of girls in another small program that I had met in a different classes. We all got dressed up for a dinner and then a night on the town, but unfortunately we didn't get that far... We went to dinner at a restaurant that they really like, and usually have great service at... Well, we didn't get our food for over 2 hours and after we ate it most of us felt sick to our stomachs =( We just hung out at their apartment for awhile and then I came back home and crashed into bed!
I made it to church Sunday morning and then went out with Irenka and Petra for tea after. We stopped in some bookstores and I finally found an English section! After tea we stopped at her apartment for a few minutes, said goodbye to Petra and I came back to the apartment. I cooked a delicious dinner for myself (I'm liking this whole cooking thing) and then the guys and I met up with Kirby and Becca at The Beer Factory to watch the USA vs. Canada hockey game.
As I'm sure most of you watched it or at least know what happened, it was quite an intense night. The place was packed with Americans and some random Australians who were cheering for Canada, needless to say, not a good mix. Lots of screaming and yelling didn't do much good in the end =(
Today is Monday and another week is beginning... Kirby and Becca had to move out of their apartment earlier than they thought and had nowhere to go, so they are crashing at our place for a few days. My half of a room now house three girls =) At least the guy/girl ratio is evening out! I need to go grocery shopping and work on homework, something I just keep putting off...
Friday I worked on some spring break plans and homework, did a little shopping with Christine and then met up with Irenka and Petra for the night. Irenka is originally from a city outside of Prague, but has been studying here for 2 years; I first met her at church and she is great! Petra is her good friend that was visiting for the weekend. The three of us went and saw Shutter Island!! It was really good, but super confusing...
Saturday was beautiful! I mean, the sun was shining, the snow is melting, the wind wasn't blowing, the dogs were barking; basically a perfect day. The guys and I decided to enjoy the weather and headed out for a walk.
View down a street by our apartment.
We found this great park nearby our apartment and took a lovely stroll through it. There was a great view of the city of Prague as well.
Donnie and I climbing a tree!
Then we wandered over to the Zizkov Tower (I call it the creepy baby tower). It was built between 1985-1992, originally thought to be used to block free radio and TV signals during communism. It is voted #2 on the world's ugliest buildings list, and rightly so.Saturday night I headed out into the boonies to Prague 8. There are a bunch of girls in another small program that I had met in a different classes. We all got dressed up for a dinner and then a night on the town, but unfortunately we didn't get that far... We went to dinner at a restaurant that they really like, and usually have great service at... Well, we didn't get our food for over 2 hours and after we ate it most of us felt sick to our stomachs =( We just hung out at their apartment for awhile and then I came back home and crashed into bed!
I made it to church Sunday morning and then went out with Irenka and Petra for tea after. We stopped in some bookstores and I finally found an English section! After tea we stopped at her apartment for a few minutes, said goodbye to Petra and I came back to the apartment. I cooked a delicious dinner for myself (I'm liking this whole cooking thing) and then the guys and I met up with Kirby and Becca at The Beer Factory to watch the USA vs. Canada hockey game.
As I'm sure most of you watched it or at least know what happened, it was quite an intense night. The place was packed with Americans and some random Australians who were cheering for Canada, needless to say, not a good mix. Lots of screaming and yelling didn't do much good in the end =(
Today is Monday and another week is beginning... Kirby and Becca had to move out of their apartment earlier than they thought and had nowhere to go, so they are crashing at our place for a few days. My half of a room now house three girls =) At least the guy/girl ratio is evening out! I need to go grocery shopping and work on homework, something I just keep putting off...